Stu Talk #1 – Practical Community Identity

I don’t want my Presence aggregated. I want it globally available.

Establishing your Web Presence is a hard job. It’s made especially hard because most of the methods given to us today fragment our presence. If you have more than one email and one blog/site then you will be diluted.

Having a single Web Presence is a lofty goal. But I believe it’s doable. Even without the backing of major corporations, it can be done.

Watch the first episode of "Stu Talk" to hear my current thoughts on how we can attain Practical Community Identity!

Cheers to Viddler. It’s a very cool service.

And a thousand Kudos to Gary Vee (this post in particular) who sparked me onto this new medium. I’d not considered it before yesterday. Cheers!

Also, I’ve just the last 24 hours given FriendFeed the once over. I like it a lot. It looks like it solves one aspect of having a single Web Presence, being the aggregation of your Presence into one place.

However, that’s not what I’m on about in this message. I want more than aggregation. I don’t want my Presence aggregated. I want it globally available.


  • Why do you think having a single Web Presence is important? Or why is it _not_ important?

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