Harry Dresden Has Changed (First Impressions, Minor Spoilers)

Changes, Jim Butcher Yesterday our hardcover (mmmm) copy of “Changes” arrived. I started in on it that evening. This morning sometime the last page turned.


My first impressions are that there were a lot of things happening.

Jim Butcher has created such a dense world, filled with all kinds of imagination, each thread of arching plot and sub-plot tightly wound about Harry Dresden (or not, sometimes), and this world must now be exceedingly hard to get out onto paper.

I didn’t really think much about the title of the book until I finished that first read-through. So if you did think about it a lot, even after finishing, the title is (in my opinion) laced with foreshadowing. We don’t get to see much in the aftermath of the changes that happen throughout the book. A little, but not much. It’s going to be a long wait between water holes for the next book.

There’s a development on the romance side of things that I’ve been gunning for, secretly, deep down. Just the same way I’d been gunning for Harry and Ginny from the get-go.

There’s a major character(s) arc completed, kind of similar to the completing of Donald Morgan in the last book.

And you get to meet Odin. Awesome. Odin. Just. Awesome.

There are a lot of hints throughout the series, covering a LOT of possibilities. One in particular has been around for a while, and I believe it came to fruition on the last page. I’m not completely sure, but I think Harry has thought about this hint once a book for the last half a dozen. It’s a doozey.

My first impressions are that Jim Butcher deserves awards and accolades and wotnot for his work. It’s a fantastic book.

You’ve got a great story in Dresden Mr. Jim Butcher. I’d love to have you over for a barbie one day, but alas, Australia is far far away. Oh, and you don’t know me.

In closing, there’s something you have to know.

Mac talks. A. Whole. Paragraph!