Here is Stu, me. I’m bigger than your average bear, and not so grumpy … most of the time.
Description Tags
Loud, Excitable, Simple, Iron-Skinned, Eats A Lot, Belly Laughs, Hairy, …
I’ve had an amazing life. In that I am so very blessed, and have been, despite the ups and downs we experience in life.
- Got beaten up a lot in late primary school/early highschool.
- Went to a Boarding School in Sydney
- Grew.
- Learned that most people felt wierd about the fact that my Dad was a Presbyterian Minister.
- Grew.
- Found that after a while, friendships were made despite any eternal differences.
- Grew.
- Found out about the power of being cool.
- Wasn’t Cool.
- Was Cool.
- Grew.
- Finished School and started Uni.
- Kept growing.
- Preached on the lawns at Sydney Uni while slowly doing a Bachelor of Science
- Played a lot of touch footy.
- Went to a lot of camps.
- Made some very close friendships.
- Met my wife.
- Around four weeks later we started going out.
- About seven weeks after that, we got engaged.
- Then, around … six months down the track, we got hitched.
- Part-Time Uni while doing Youth Work.
- Part-Time Uni while working at Dick Smith Electronics.
- We get pregnant.
- Again with the Uni while working at a Deli.
- Finished Uni, finally, six years after starting. Who says dumb people can’t finish stuff :) … heh.
- We move northward, into the great Australian Outback … sort of. It’s dry, and lots of flat country.
- Have three children, all of whom bring so much blessing it’s amazing.
- Start getting into development by accident, learning how to use the first windows version of Clarion.
- Start thinking I could do this on my own, plus the drought means people start running out of money. That, and bad management.
- Developing Systems becomes my main endevour for a couple of years.
- Not enough money is coming in. Too much hard work, not enough smart work.
- Get my current job.
- Move back to Sydney and start my current job.
- Learning (brain) curve spikes out of control. So much stuff is getting plugged into my head I’m beginning to wonder just how much of a newb I was before.
- Still learning.
- Started up a little blog called Dev Dawn.
- Dev Dawn becomes a raging massive huge and unalterable success, projecting us into stardom.
- We cannot walk out of the office without being swamped by fans of all shapes and sizes.
- We refuse to "Sell Out To the Man", whoever that is at the time.
- Dev Dawn becomes the last bastion for hope against the evil oppressors.
- We triumph over the dark abyss that is Goosoft, the Microogle Overlords.