Have finally thrown down the gauntlet, to myself, and gotten into some of the code that drives the blog.
So the site has undergone some "improvements". We’ll take some time to see if they really do enhance the site, or detract.
In my browsing of blogs, I found a post on Paul’s blog about Sociable, which led me to … Sociable. It’s a pretty simple, but very sweet, plugin. Satisfies, to me, the basic goodness of what plugins do. Enables me to have cool functionality without me having to create that functionality from scratch (no matter to what degree I understand said functionality).
Anyway, as soon as you click on an article, you’ll see it in action. Gives you the opportunity to bookmark the article/post in a few of the different Social Bookmarking (for want of a better description) sites around.
Also, there are a couple of cosmetic changes to the layout. I am falling particularly in love, lately, with big headings. Not sure how this came about, I thought I was pretty minimalist at my design heart, but apparently not at the moment.
Anyway, more coming. In lots of different directions.
p.s. Sorry for anyone who visited hoping for a repeat of last Friday night’s actions. I was very very excited about doing another Quick Dev … but a number of factors cancelled that out.
Suffice to say, I’ve almost finished the initial touches on a sub-domain that will be the hub for my Quick Dev stuff. Not sure on that name though … it’s more about becoming a better developer, by practicing the art. The more you push yourself, the more you learn.
Anyway, enough for the moment.