- What are the three most exciting developments in your brain at this very second?
- What’s going to be the next catch-phrase/idea/… to sweep the Web Community?
- What aspects of development do you like?
- What aspects drive you up the wall (hate is too strong a word, dislike is more appropriate)?
- What’s your dream project?
- If you could own a single domain name, what would it be?
- Favourite current computer game?
- Favourite all-time computer game?
- Favourite board-game?
- Favourite movie?
- Worst project ever worked on?
- Dumbest thing you’ve ever said
- Dumbest thing you’ve ever thought
- Smartest move you’ve ever made
- Toughest project you’ve ever worked on?
- Best bit of functionality you’ve come up with?
- Favourite working environment
- What do you see the main purpose of blogging as?
- If you blog, what purpose(s) do you have?
- What are your favourite work tools?
- Freestyling conversation