We’re currently sitting in a big room, listening to Bob Z.
I’m not giving away anything yet, although I imagine info will be leaking out all over the place. I am writing pretty crazily in Word however, and will be putting up my notes some time after the Conference ends.
Bob is cool. I got to talk to him a bit before the session. Was good to meet him, and hear a little about things.
Also, today, in the final Capesoft Question Time, we got a squiz at their new product, the Report Writer. I’d missed Geoff’s session beforehand, which went through it in detail .. but it looks like a very cool template. As usual, easy to use, easy to plug in. That is, the awesomeness we’ve come to expect from Capesoft.
Anyway, I’m missing bits and piece of the session .. heh heh. Best get back to it.
I’ll put some photos on here later, possibly tonight, although the talk is going to get it’s final polish tonight .. which might relegate anything else, depending on how it goes.