Scoble (Robert) has voiced his opinion on Jason Calcanis’ "opinions" about (Web) Startups and Slackers. Ha ha, Techcrunch has an amusing take on it.
I’m not sure how many "startups" of the Web 2.0 nature exist within the Clarion universe. Probably zero or less.
But I think this opinion is valid for any team seeking to excel. Of course, you can bury yourself more easily in a large bureaucracy. Still, this is just a question of drive, character, determination. All those things that Robbins and his ilk mesmerise us with.
There are days where I’m a slacker. But there are more and more days (and nights) where I work like a fiend, late and later into the night.
Working hard means nothing. So being a slacker, by that logic, means nothing too. What counts is working smart. If you can work smart for 4 hours a day and make a living, upholding your responsibilities, then kudos.