Poll Results: What Will You Be Using?

It’s a quick drive. You hop into the car, perhaps you’ve already got your licence, but more than likely it’s your Mum driving you. Maybe your Dad.

Oh wait, it’s not THOSE kind of results.

We held a poll here on Clarion Folk asking the question, After The New Clarions Are Released, What Will You Be Using?.


Clearly, people are looking forward to Clarion 7 (see Images #1, #2). When reading the results, it must also be remembered that the poll allowed multiple choices to be selected. I suspect that quite a few people would have selected Clarion 6, 7 and .Net. I would have.


This brought about some interesting conversation in the Non-Recorded podcast (listen to the actual podcast for details on that particularly tragedy, heh).

In a big corporation, moving code to another version can be an absolute nightmare. For example, you might have a system that consists of many dlls, over ten years old, and having had at least a dozen people working on it over it’s lifetime. There’s a reason why we call this a dinosaur. A Behemoth, and not a pretty one.

In this situation, it’s hard to imagine the effort it would take to port to a new version. On the other hand, the challenge payout would be huge. Imagine successfully porting a system like that!

31-10-2008-9-13-17-amThe last topic I’d like to cover is that of the Other results.

The first point of interest (to some of us, I mean, stats are cool for _some_ people aren’t they?) is that there are five "Clarion 5ish" results (see Image #3). Six if you count the "Plus older versions" item.

The big corporation discussion above ties directly to this.

The other point of interest is that there’s not a great deal of range. I mean, we’ve got previous versions of Clarion, VS, Windev, and Notepad.

What the?

We are limited, I’m pretty sure there are a lot more dev environments out there. I guess desktop development is in the forefront of the general community’s mind. Also, there’s the fact that only a few people voted, so this is only a small section.

I realise to, that the question was directed to the Clarion Community.

It’s a topic I’m going to go into more detail in the coming weeks. The scope of vision that exists within our community, and others.

So there you go. Thanks for reading!

Are there any other Dev Environments you would add to this?

AppGen Released To 3rdParty Community!

The word is out.

Right now, this very instant, people have got their grubby mitts on the Clarion 7 AppGen and are playing with it. The folk at Soft Velocity must be breathing erratically right now :)

I’ll be adding more to this post as the information comes in.


(Newest at Top)

"In a procedure with a menu tree, you can expand and contract and the tree.  This is FAR easier to use than before as there was little visual indication as to which tree node you were in.  In C7, there is no doubt."

"In C6, to get  to the global application properties, you have to press the global button on the toolbar, then press Extensions. In C7, you select the Proerties tab and then press Actions. The dialog opens near instantly."

"C7 is tough on enforcing rules. Got an invalid use of PRIVATE procedure in a 3rd party template used in it."

"At the top is the drop down list of ALL the public methods in the class I’m in right now.  I can jump right to the one I want!" (In Embeditor)

"The one thing that is going to take some getting used to is the close window buttons.  They are in different locations."

"When there are no embeds in the procedure, the prev/next filled embed buttons are disabled.  When you have one, they become enabled."

"Window designer has those nifty little alignment helpers."

"Compile and gen is significantly faster."

".. out of the box, its VERY nice."

"first feed back… the template registry loads VERY quickly!"


  • Template Registry loads very quickly.
  • Interface is sleek, modern (As expected).
  • Speed:
    • School App – Adding Global Variable, 17 seconds down to 10 seconds for a Regen and Compile.

Bits of Happy

211020081755Sometimes I take things a little too seriously. And in keeping with pointing to others, it’s another slant .. What made me laugh or caused a chuckle or even a smile. Bits of Happy.

  • RT @stilgherrian Today’s strange weather in Sydney is brought to you by the letters "C" and "O" and the number "2" (url).
  • /listening to Russ is like watching the 1960’s version of Batman. Biff! Pow!<g>
  • Having a great camera moment with my youngest last night.
  • Reading this post.
    • Author: Paisano
    • We have such a blessing in our kids. Make the most of them! They bring Bits of Happy in the most unexpected places. And the expected ones too :).

Who Is Rach And Why Should You Care?


Who is Rach?

Rach is one of the coolest people you will ever meet.

I’m not just saying that because she is my best friend. Nor is it just because we have been married for ten awesome years. Nor still is it just because she’s the most amazing mother of our four kids.

Why should you care?

If you catch her on Twitter, there’s every chance you’ll have one of the funniest and memorable conversations in your day.

Her tweets showcase what is best about Twitter. They are not self serving, nor, like most of mine, are they attempting to get people to talk by linking blog posts or pictures or topics that are in flux.

Rach writes real. It’s not fake. That’s something special in our world of quick follows and social-media plasticity.

What If Larry Page Wanted An App?

Larry Page

Image by niallkennedy via Flickr

Imagine this.

It’s an ordinary day. Minding your own business, coding away, you are a little annoyed when the doorbell buzzes. It disturbs the sanctity of your workplace.

Of course, when it’s Larry Page standing in your doorway, there are only two reactions.

1. Punch him in the face because you are one of the wierdos who doesn’t like Google, or,

2. Invite him in.

Larry knows your name. He’s been watching you, watching what you’ve been doing. He and his Crew are very interested in Clarion, and you are the man to push interest into actual development.

He gives you 6 months and the insane financial backing of Google to write an App in Clarion .Net.

What App would you create with Clarion .Net?

A Summary So Far Of Your Marketing/Advertising Ideas

Back on the 14th I posted $10 Million To Make A Clarion .Net Ad.

There was a great response, both here and on the newsgroups. Following is a summary of your thoughts:


Murray Gillespie

  • It was a simple ad, "Ease of use vs Price", that sold Clarion to him.

Richard Rose

  • Language. Appgen. Smart Approach. Templates. Integration. Code Generation (from Dave).
  • Talk about global companies who are using it. Mentioned largest construction company in the world (www.alrahabeach.com).
Billionaire Bill Gates

Image via Wikipedia

Dave Harms (http://clarionmag.com)

  • "Templates" while the world was saying "Objects".
  • Quote: "We’ve been doing code generation since Bill Gates was in short pants. And now we do it for .NET."

Gustavo Pinsard

  • "From novice to expert, to customer satisfaction."
  • True language. Strong code generation capabilities built into the IDE.
  • Screenshots:
    1. A piece of Clarion source.
    2. Appgen in action.
    3. Image picturing satisfied Customer.
  • Programmers / Developers AND Customers / End Users.

Paul MacFarlane

  • Do a World Tour.
  • Give out Subscriptions.
  • Training Class, in two halves.
    1. Demo the program, Instructor creates an App.
    2. Attendees create their own Apps.


Paul MacFarlane, Mark Riffey, Pratik, Myself

  • Conversation about the Intangibility of Advertising.

Andy Morgan, Dave Harms, Jeff Slarve, Richard Rose, Myself

  • Conversation about Trial Versions, Time Limit, Usage Counters.


  • Hold a conference next to MS Visual Studio‘s next one.
    • "Clarion: Be productive .. Be Profitable."

Paul MacFarlane, Richard Rose, Andy Morgan

  • Conversation about World Tour, User Groups.

Art Bonds, Myself

  • Pirate jokes. Because no conversation is complete without them.


There you have it. If I’ve left anything out, please let me know in the comments.

This was a fantastic exercise. I’m going to continue down the same vein.

What would you like me to ask the Community next?