It’s been an amazing couple of weeks.
We had a fantastic Christmas. The energy of our kids suffused itself within us (along with our own of course, heh), and we were able to enjoy days of excitement. Still going, with the New Year too.
We’ve visited friends and gone to the beach. We’ve had bbq’s and slept through the fireworks. We’ve played Mario Kart and some Lego Batman too.
And through it all, we’ve been shown the Lord’s grace. The sermons we listened to over Christmas were powerful. Our Christmas Day service particularly struck at the heart of the message of the Gospel. Our Saviour, the Christ, born to die and rise again.
Yesterday I released Oldaer to public beta. It was a big step for little ‘ol me (not sure where the apostrophe goes, should look up my christmas pressie, “The Elements of Style” book, heh heh). So far I’ve had some good feedback. Am working on a new build with some changes.
Will look to go full release at the start of Febuary.