Meek and Weak mean totally different things. Poles Apart. In fact they _are_ opposite ends of the spectrum.
Weakness is the inability to change.
Meekness is growth under duress.
Meek and Weak mean totally different things. Poles Apart. In fact they _are_ opposite ends of the spectrum.
Weakness is the inability to change.
Meekness is growth under duress.
What is the best set of tools we have today?
It’s not Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Massive Takeover the World Suite, or even any of the Social Media APIs.
It is us, what we bring as individuals to our day.
Simple, straight-forward and such common knowledge that it seems pointless and foolish to say.
But it is the first thing to go in our day-to-day working lives.
I don’t want my Presence aggregated. I want it globally available.
Establishing your Web Presence is a hard job. It’s made especially hard because most of the methods given to us today fragment our presence. If you have more than one email and one blog/site then you will be diluted.
Having a single Web Presence is a lofty goal. But I believe it’s doable. Even without the backing of major corporations, it can be done.
Watch the first episode of "Stu Talk" to hear my current thoughts on how we can attain Practical Community Identity!
Cheers to Viddler. It’s a very cool service.
And a thousand Kudos to Gary Vee (this post in particular) who sparked me onto this new medium. I’d not considered it before yesterday. Cheers!
Also, I’ve just the last 24 hours given FriendFeed the once over. I like it a lot. It looks like it solves one aspect of having a single Web Presence, being the aggregation of your Presence into one place.
However, that’s not what I’m on about in this message. I want more than aggregation. I don’t want my Presence aggregated. I want it globally available.
Everything changed when I saw Gary’s Video.
My brain couldn’t let go of the idea of Identity. What we are in the world around us, how we present ourselves.
It came to me in a flash. Quickly, I ran to the dining table, alt-tabbed to Firefox, went to the Netregistry console, and checked for the domain name.
It was still available! Crazy I said .. all right then, let’s give this a go.
That was about 5 hours ago.
I’m in the process of moving across all non-Clarion content from Clarion Folk. This may take a little time because I’m going to bed now.
I say "Props" way too many times. Zero would be better. Apologies for that.
Gary really is bringing a lot of energy and inspiration and joy and life to the community. Gary .. Thankyou for all your hard and crazy work!
I’ve been hearing a lot of "good people" kudos to folk within the twitter-web-dev-tech community. I’d like to add another segment to that .. our favourite book authors.
So here are two of mine, George R. R. Martin and J.V.Jones (my sig on the forums is "theUnguru").
I’ve transferred this post from Clarion Folk a day after it was written.
There are a lot of Good Bloggers (Darren, GaryVee, Scobleizer, to name a few of the _many_) out there, doing good and great blogging.
This is dedicated to you. For everything I’ve learnt, and everything I continue to forget. Thankyou.
I love reading posts, watching as fellow bloggers forge identities, and sometimes as they fall into and through the cracks.
I like Good Blogging. But I also don’t like it very much.
Following are the reasons I hate Good Blogging:
1. I use a word like ‘Hate’ instead of ‘Dislike’ in the Title of my post.
"Good blogging demands that I reign in my natural instincts .."
Sensationalism is an important part of good blogging. It’s far more than just being a sensationalist.
I can jump around and yell "Awesome" with the best of them. Seriously. I’m full of manic energy, I’ll sing loudly without being drunk, and when my eyes light up I won’t stop for just about anything.
But good blogging isn’t this. Good blogging is knowing the best time to use snippets of sensationalism. You can’t always be "ON".
I grind against this. For me, I don’t want to discipline myself to understand these subtle moves. When I see Hate, I like "Dislike is more appropriate". That’s me. I don’t want to change.
Don’t get me wrong, the "ON"ness is vital. Transferring wonder and excitement to people means I get to have the light in my eyes. But it has to be directed. Brought into control.
When I’m excited, I say the word "Awesome" a lot. I don’t want to think of other words right then, but good blogging calls me out and beats me around the head a little.
Good blogging demands that I reign in my natural instincts and discipline myself to become better at using an aspect like Sensationlism effectively in my writing.
2. I shouldn’t make witty post Titles, they don’t do SEO well.
"Good blogging makes me think harder."
This goes hand in hand with the first point.
My natural bent when writing a post or article is to think up something witty. Some play on words about the topic, or a pop-culture reference.
Good blogging makes me think harder. Witty titles come and go. But the melding of wit with strategy doesn’t come easy to me. And sometimes there is no wit to be had.
3. Part of me doesn’t want organic growth, it wants instant global recognition.
"Good blogging tells me not to act and plan my goals around 15 minutes of fame."
The Feeds! The Feeds! Why isn’t my Feedburner count sky-rocketing?
From what I read, good blogging is best done organically. Organic is the best foundation. Rock-solid. The fleeting glory of a front-page Digg is nothing compared to the Tortoise.
But I want to be the Hare! I want Digg to shower me with praise and stupid Slashdot to use one of my articles and for Scoble and GaryVee and all of YOU to read, feed, and send me Awesomes.
Good blogging tells me not to act and plan my goals around 15 minutes of fame. The Tortoise IS better than the Hare. Unless that dumb Hare doesn’t fall asleep. Then he’s WAAAAY better :) heh heh.
4. Posting Is Mostly Never Quick
"Good blogging says Shudup fool!"
Sure, sometimes it just rushes out. But like every single "How To Blog" piece I’ve ever read, TIME is a factor. Taking time to craft what you are saying will almost always have to happen.
Ask my friends and family, I rarely take time to think about what I’m saying. I rely too much on natural instinct and previous experience. That it will guide and direct the babble that proceeds forth.
Good blogging says Shudup fool! Pull your head in and think over what you are saying.
5. Fame obviously means a lot more to me than I like to think.
"I’m a little fish in probably the biggest pond, looking up at the whales that blot out the sun."
Despite point 3., it does actually grind me that I’m so affected by fame and fortune.
This isn’t a point against good blogging so much as a kick to myself. Why is it that even though I _know_ establishing a web presence is hard and long-term, organic and tortoise-like, Why is it that when I twitter Scoble my heart skips a beat waiting for his reply? Or when GaryVee asks his followers to ‘@’ him and I do and then I wait .. eagerly.
It’s crazy, but it’s human. I’m a little fish in probably the biggest pond, looking up at the whales that blot out the sun.
Man I want to be a whale.
I love Good Blogging. But I "dislike" it too. Growth and learning and creating is hard, and my nature rails against becoming better. So here’s to fighting hard and becoming a Good Blogger!
Clarion Folk Lore #2 is live!
[audio:ClarionFolkLore-002.mp3]Apologies Jan for mis-pronouncing your name! Didn’t realise it was a y not a j.
I’m still working out Audacity. I seem to have reached the limit of what it can handle with how many different streams, one for every time someone speaks.
Which reminds me, I need to splice better.
I’ll be breaking up the segments again, exporting to high quality mp3, then importing them all in together for #3.