Smite, A New Order of Application Security


SMITE .. A New Order Of Application Security






The comic isn’t that good. Kind of phoned in the hard work, which comes after the sketching. Coloring, filling out the characters, etc etc. Urg. Takes a long time.

Anyway, Dan Scott had a couple of threads going on the newsgroups recently, talking about security. Specifically, how to stop the Users validation one copy, and then copying those files across into the other workstation/locations.

There were some good responses. Jim Hrubes in particular both piqued my interest and made me laugh.


You can serialize the software and they won’t be able to run it on a different machine, look at the crazy discussions about SHA and HDD (they usually deteriorate with discussions about food) in the newsgroups and that will get you started. There are a bunch of crypto geeks in the clarion newsgroups that love to show you how to protect your stuff so search around and you will find it.



Multi-Classing to Thief/Fighter/Mage DropCombo

Dave Beggs asked about subclassing a drop combo. It seems using the "setprop" api didn’t work with drop combos.

The answer (apparently, no further threads) was a simple line, given by John Christ:



Sorry there’s no comic Dave! Actually, this one probably would have been awesome fun. Having bits of a Thief, Fighter and Mage all trying to get into a Drop Combo stain-glass window .. ha ha. Maybe I should do it tomorrow.

With Aussie DevCon arriving, people are starting to gear up .. on the Third-Party newsgroup, Alan Telford has been busy, getting out some really cool questions in regards to NetTalk (WebServer) mostly. Which reminded me I’d better start collating any questions etc, so I get the most out of the Capesoft Awesomeness Expedition in the three days before DevCon.

My talk is coming along. I’ve hit upon a better title, which goes with how the content has evolved.

I’m planning to be blogging what’s going on, especially any Clarion 7 / SV news .. I might even put up a special Live Chatbox. That might work. Or not. Ha ha.

Previously, On Clarion

Ping Clarion 7

Art posted a classic reply to a post entitled "Ping Clarion7", which was asking if there has been any recent news.

Following is Art’s response,

C:\\Documents and Setting\\Programming\\Clarion> Ping Clarion7

Pinging Clarion7 with 32 bytes of data:

Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.

Ping statistics for Clarion7:
   Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

C:\\Documents and Settings\\Programming\\Clarion


Ha ha. I likey.

The Flame

Spend a few minutes on any major gaming forum, and you’ll discover the idea of "Flaming".

Something like, posting something simple to raise the ire of other folk.

On the newsgroups, it’s almost completely different. And this is mostly because of moderation. Good (and I use that descriptive wordy thing, to differentiate) Gaming Forums have Moderators who keep things under control. They might have ego issues, I’m not sure, but I’ve seen forums run very well.

Anyway, back to the Clarion Newsgroups.

"The Flame" is not someone posting to incite anger. It’s a topic. Any topic that someone has issue with. People might be annoyed about something. They post. Responses flow in, opposite. Then the backlash. Peppered with "Let’s not get fired up" posts.

The Flame burns bright, and then ends abruptly, probably carried into the hearts of the people in the middle.

Dan Pressnell had a couple of quite interesting posts. The first generated some .. discussion.

As I was reading through the posts, the solution came to me.

Take down the newsgroups!

Ha ha. No. Seriously. No. Well. Maybe.

What I would like is to see someone bring about VR for everyone, so we can get in a boxing ring, beat the living crap out of each other, then get back to work. Seems to me we (and I’m including myself here) don’t know how to handle heat on the newsgroups.

I’m leaning (not totally given, but "leaning") toward the Moderation idea. That the discussion is moderated. It’s a community. Any community needs rules. And needs those rules enforced. Arnie did it with awesome calls like "I let him go". We could do it with some clear rules, and some .. ruling.

I know for most folk it’s an issue of being treated like kids.

But that’s got it the wrong way around. Anarchy might be fine for your mindset, cool. But we’re not a bunch of individuals. We’re a community. So send in the marines already. Well. Perhaps the SAS. Or whatever we have over here in Oz. Start moderating conversations, not because we’re badly behaved children, but because it establishes a level of trust in the community, for new people coming in seeing that things are in order, and for old folk who if they take issue can go talk about it somewhere else.

Clean it up. Only good will come of it. Sure, some winnowing (? not sure if that’s the right word) might occur. This happens.

Anyway, as I step of this high and oh so mighty pulpit, I’ll leave you with something less preachy.

Here’s my rundown of the situation.


The Real Reason He Sold His Shares


This one is a few days old. It’s kind of obscure, but I thought it was funny. Of course I would.

Anyway. Apart from having an Australian bent, it’s also pretty much World of Warcraft exclusive knowledge-based. I realise that it’s featured in a few of the comics, but i’ve got lots more games to use.

Just for anyone who wants to know, Mike is Michael Morhaime, president and co-founder of Blizzard. The bloke sitting at the desk, is of course, James Packer, one of the Aussie Money Men.

The Reboot is coming. Soon

Supernerds .. Introductions


Another long night. There was supposed to have a little random addendum at the bottom, after the introductions. Presumably (can’t remember what my brain was thinking exactly) to give more content that just some pictures of characters that don’t mean anything to anyone yet. But that can wait for tomorrow .. or some other time where time is a commodity i have.

Right now, it’s past 2am on a Sunday night .. I really need to sleep. But this drawing caper pushes me on. Now I’m not sure about this, but it’s at least as powerful as when I’m in the frenzy of development. Possibly because it’s new .. but maybe it’s something more.