For a few weeks now Clarion Folk has been using a new Comment web service, Intense Debate (This review for the WordPress flavour, as that’s what I use).
It’s good. That’s my kudos meter-reading at the moment.
![intense001-thumb intense001-thumb](
There is a lot to like. They take care of comments, they give you stats, they’ve got plugins to call on the blog (e.g. Recent Comments), and it’s all bundled into a very easy to use interface.
(Some of the Stats you can get with Intense Debate)
In the above image you’ll see some of the stats available. Clarion Folk doesn’t have a lot of comments, but take a look at a couple of the posts, and you’ll see that what the community lacks in quantity it makes up for in crazy .. ahem. I mean quality.
Although I’m just using Intense Debate for one blog, they are really trying to hit a multiple blog, global-wide audience. Some of the functionality is only really useful if you have more than one blog running Intense Debate, and if you comment on other blogs running Intense Debate.
I really hope they can get some momentum. It’s a good service.
It’s a service, which means WordPress (or whatever engine you are using to power your blog/site) will make a server call or two. These slow down the site for a little while, but it’s nothing too bad. And really, that’s not a complaint you can lay at the door of Intense Debate. It comes with the territory, at least to some extent.
Anyway, kudos to Intense Debate! I like what they are doing.
![intense003-thumb intense003-thumb](
One more thing, before I forget. Support is stellar!
They are using a forum service known as Get Satisfaction. It seems fast enough, and has a few nifty response options. Social Network/Media geared.
But above this, I have found the actual level of support (from a particular fellow by the name of Michael, look see) to be fantastic.
So thank you to Intense Debate for you work.
Any readers who blog, take a gander. Actually, comment here! I’d love to hear some feedback as to how you find the commenting.