When It’s Free

This is a very handy resource for doing anything with XML in Clarion … iQ-XML.

Which makes me think we need some kind of resource library rather than just posts about stuff.

Ingrate Experience

Just discovered (should have tested more than one browser, haha) that IE doesn’t like the css of the site at the moment. The top border doesn’t show up properly.

Apologies to all IE viewers … CHANGE TO FIREFOX NOW … I mean, have a nice day.

Simply Complex

I’ve had something percolating (i looked that up on dictionary.com :)) for a while.

When writing a System, whatever it is, no matter how large or small … there are elements the same throughout.

This also ties in with the email Bill sent around about a generic tools dll … it’s part of the overall picture. And there is more i believe. Not so much if you use an "end" or a "dot" … heh heh, but standards that give consistency. So that even if you do it differently, it is consistently done across your projects, that everyone can understand it if they saw the code.

Another element is how to keep track of what has been done in the project. Not just when multiple people work on it, but when you come back to some code or procedure that was last in your mind a year ago. I know that for myself, my coding style has so progressed that i cannot stand my old code. I MUST fix it :). Anyway, losing track.

We need to be able to have maybe a document, or a little program, that keeps track of "Threads" maybe. Procedures and their purposes. Also, actual ideas to put within the System, like Todos.

I’m sure there is lots more … and Together We Can Do IT!!!! awww, yeah, cmon, you know the feel-good feeling of feeling nice …

Anyway, i’m thinking of putting up some kind of wiki on this site … maybe. We’ll see.

D-umb L-ittle L-aws

Having fun with DLL’s and Clarion. Want to post up here my experiences, so at least something is down on "paper". The Rules … The Rules!!! They’re a little crazy sometimes.

At least I’m beginning from scratch. Whereas the Great Benefactor* is breaking up 6 billion procedures into dlls.

So anyway, more later on this.

* a.k.a. Mr. S

Sweet Candy

When things start to come together, it’s good. Experience would beg that this is a temporary euphoria, but that’s okay. It’s like conquering a mountain, each single step at a time.

There are a number of different factors to consider with dll projects. What if you want more than one dataset? You don’t want any dictionaries defined in the actual app, nor do you want the main app (the exe), to ever directly know about anything happening underneath it. And when using a third-party tool like File Manager 3, how do you fit this in with the above vision. It’s a simple and very powerful idea, but complex in implementation. I guess.

Anyway, more later.