Busy Evening: Podcasts, iTunes, New Chapters

1306200922341AM Phew. It’s almost 2:30am and I’m still roaring along.

Tonight I’ve added Chapter Four of Awakening onto the Taels website.


Why? Well, because you can now subscribe to the iTunes feed of Taels Online.

That means you’ll be able to keep up to date with all the story podcasts.

Story Podcasts?

Yup, that’s right. I’ve recorded podcasts of each of the Chapters and the Short Story.

So have a listen, or a read, or do both.

Latest Things

Work has been flat chat lately. We’re gearing up for the yearly International Conference. The big system I’ve been working on since before the Reformation (i kid, i kid) is being displayed for all to see and play and break.

Also am working on a web system for one of the other business units. Have to brand it up for the conference. Shouldn’t be too much trouble, it’s just the time that grieves me so.

Have gotten Chapter Navigation into Taels. Awesome. So now you can read it like a book, going from chapter to chapter without too much trouble. Links are top and bottom. Works better that way I think. Here’s an example.

Almost finished the first episode of "The Plastic Detectives". Just have to add some filler background music while there’s no dialogue. It runs a couple of minutes long, and the theme song takes up probably as much time as the story. Ha ha. It’s so awesome seeing all the parts of putting something like this together. We recorded the song today, the kids don’t really know it yet, but it’s classic all the more for their almost getting the words.

So it should be done tomorrow night I think. Will go up on Taels. I might wait till Monday to release it proper. Or at least to start making noise about it.