Steve Ryan is a shining light. When most other people are either disparaging the new Clarion (newsgroups) or not doing much with it at all (me), he’s toiling away. Sure, he’s struck a few hurdles, but it hasn’t slowed progress.
Steve and his crew are nearing the end of a big product. They are completing the end user GUI for the stand alone development report designer and runtime.
Steve has kindly sent me some screenshots+words, as follows:
Picture 1. The Report Listing Application.
Picture 2. The Report Designer.
The report layout editor supports multiple report breaks all with separate database access. Full range limit support and filters plus embed points at runtime for customised report statements using over 1000 commands supported by the runtime.
Picture 3. The Report Designer Database drop and drop tree control.
Drag database properties to the Report Layout and the layout will get it’s setting from the primary key its uses to report breaks, it’s all automatic. The simple ribbon toolbar expands to display the options on the tabs. This design approach splits the window into two parts. The Layout design and the ribbon (toolbar) options plus Report Layout Options which are shown in Pic4.
Picture 4.
The report setting mode allows the report designer to switch back and forth between layout design and report settings by simply pressing the view buttons
on the left. Report Design mode, Next, Previous and Back switch the user between modes so that all options are displayed on the one window without the need for toolbars or floating windows that clutter up the appearance design window. This makes it very easy for end users to master the report layout designer. Its all pretty easy.
Kudos to Steve and his Crew!