Late To The i-Party

It’s as big a leap in technology as I’ve experienced.

Perhaps I’m a little late to the party, but as of a few days ago my tech world has been forever changed.

What is this that you speak of? I hear you think across the interwebs.


It’ll change things. And if it doesn’t, then that’s sad.

The ability to do many tasks remotely. Apps that because of the smallness, the restrictions, the perceptions, actually work better on an iPhone than my pc.


I’ve used Facebook more in the last couple of days than ever before. And that’s a big deal. I don’t like Facebook. But the iPhone has caused a deep shift within my patterns of tech discipline.

I discovered a time keeping app which is perfect for my contract work. It keeps tracks of my hours while I work on my laptop.

Even the seamless compact methods of Google use (Email, Reader,Talk) is fast growing on me.

I leave you with some of the photos my 5 year old took this afternoon. Oh, and this post was sent from my little tool of awesomeness (iPhone).





Steve Wozniak in Sydney, Speaking on Apple

I’ve never been into Macs, but I like the mythos surrounding the Beginnings, just like with Microsoft.

Steve Wozniak, who according to Wikipedia founded Apple Computer on April 1st, 1976 with Steve Jobs, has been visiting in Sydney, Australia.

What I like when reading what "Woz" says, is that he’s pretty open. Speaks his mind. He’s a guru to many people, which probably gives his opinions far greater weight than others who speak their mind but noone listens. Woz has a fair bit of clout anyway. He designed the first Apple computers. That’s good enough for me.

The main concerns he raises in the article that sparked me off are the lack of 3G support in the iPhone, and the MacBook Air’s lack of DVD drive, inability to swap batteries out, and the 80G hard drive (read: small).

It’s a pretty funny/crazy story about the iPhone over here in Australia. For a while you could get them, but there was no network for them. Then some talented chaps hacked it (this was in July 2007, a while ago) so that you could make calls on the Telstra network. That’s right, no incoming, no sms. Just outbound calls.

According to the iPhone Australia blog, there’s a 3G edition on it’s way. It’s also apparent that Australia really isn’t on the Apple radar for iPhone release yet.

Anyway, back to Woz. It’s interesting to follow him as opposed to the Job’s Reality Distortion Field. I mean, I love the field, but it’s also good to look up the "other guy", who generally is the true nerd who got the actual stuff done. The guy who isn’t necessarily good at selling, hyping, or any kind of public eye. He’s at his best stuck in a room with cold caffenated drinks and boxed pizza lying about, staring at the screen, scribbling down file relationships on a pad.

Of course, Woz was a hardware guy. So translate the above for hardware.

Also, Woz seems to be quite a charismatic personality in his own right. According to the wikipedia entry he’s currently dating Kathy Griffin. Well there you go.