Do You Need Custom web Development Work Done?

It has been a very busy time. I’ve had a lot of night meetings for Church, injured my knee a few weeks back playing rugby, re-started Taels, and started/worked-on other little projects too numerous and beligerant to mention.

One element of the previous weeks that is of special interest is the Contract work that has dropped itself in my lap. 

  • A fellow Clarion user from Europe was referred to me for custom web system work. That is, he needed some Nettalk Webserver work done quick smart, and I got the job.


  • A Graphic Designer bro asked me to help him get the technical aspects of a blog done. One WordPress install later, with some work customising the fantastic Thesis theme, and the design was ported fine and dandy.


My confidence is high. With every new task I’m learning all the time. I throw myself into this work with a ferocity and tenacity that is kind of surprising.

What amazes me (because I’m not so big on being big-headed, and never thought I’d be technically competent), is that I’m good at this stuff.

Do you need custom web development done?

I’m your worker bee.

Nettalk 4.30 Released

And many huzzah’s were voiced!

Download here.


Although there have been pre-release versions for a while now, this is the official 4.30 release.

It contains a crazy number of good things, including:

  • New Examples, including a SOAP Server
  • Session can now be optionally locked to the IP Address
  • AddLog has arrived! You can now call the method and have it log to the Window (and/or) Disk.
  • Read onwards for more, NetTalk Version History

Stu’s Greatest Hits (Tools)

I make no excuses for this list. These are the tools that I use every day. They are what I consider to be important for development.

That doesn’t mean I won’t change though, or be persuaded otherwise. I’m always hearing of other tools that sound great. Sometimes it’s a monetary restriction. Other times it’s a busy factor. Hopefully I’ll get to most of them.

Information Tools

Product Tools

Honorable Mention Tools

Information Tools

The Newsgroups ([Back To Listing]

The Newsgroups provide the largest amount of information relating to Clarion (that I know of).

You get answers to questions. You have the questions themselves. The 3rd-Party newsgroup is a most excellent source of specific product questions.

You get information regarding the Clarion Community across the world; What is happening in various countries; The meetings, gatherings, beer swilling.

You get people at their best, and at their worst.

The one true issue I have with the newsgroups is their inability to provide me with accurate and complete searching capabilities. The Google Groups version of comp.lang.clarion goes some of the way, but (as far as i know) it’s not an up-to-date mirror of the actual newsgroup. And that doesn’t account for any of the other individual newsgroups.

Clarion Mag ([Back To Listing]

Clarion Mag really does stomp all over the Newsgroups in a couple of key areas. Much better contextual searching; and it’s got a great Editor (Dave Harms).

Clarion Mag’s range of articles is large. They are written well, edited (as mentioned) well, and the presentation of the site is clean and simple.

Subscription may frighten some people off. Don’t let it. The benefit massively outweighs the paltry fee (less than two hundred big boys). You have a huge contextual well-written repository of information .. that’s peace of mind for problem-solving.

ClarionShop ([Back To Listing]

I know, bad data mapping huh. ClarionShop isn’t really an "Information" site.

ClarionShop is the best place to buy 3rd-Party Templates and Software.

The folks there are friendly and the service is top-notch.

NetTalk Central ([Back To Listing]

This site (it’s forums are the main attraction) has quickly become one of the busiest in the Clarion Community.

For anything NetTalk, particularly the Web Server, head on over. I’d say even to prefer it over the 3rd-Party Newsgroup for help, advice and knowledge. Bruce visits often, and there are more and more wise heads logging in.

Product Tools

File Manager 3 ([Back To Listing]

This is, without a doubt, the greatest 3rd-Party Template in existence for Clarion. And I’d suit it up against the development world at large too.

File Manager 3 is a Template from Capesoft. You buy it and you install it.

What it does is give you the freedom to change your File Structures with wild abandon, and not have to worry about writing your own conversion functionality.

Plug it in. Increment the Version. Compile. Nothing Simpler.

Clarion Desktop ([Back To Listing]

I’ve gushed about Clarion Desktop before (here). You cannot put a price on making the 3rd Party product upgrade process easy. But I will. $3 a month. That’s right! Gary charges you 3 big boys a month, and what you get in return will save so much time.

Let’s be clear on the reason for Clarion Desktop making this list.

I don’t have to manually upgrade my 3rd Party products. Clarion Desktop knows when there is a new version and will download and (in most of mine) run the Installer. Clarion Desktop (the Professional edition) keeps my passwords, and for the Capesoft products (and some others) that really takes a painful equation out of the way.

There are some issues. Sometimes a product’s "version" will be stuck until you do a manual upgrade. I believe this is due to a problem with how Clarion Desktop reads the 3rd Party RSS feed. But I could be wrong.

For me, taking away the pain of manual 3rd Party product upgrades justifies Clarion Desktop’s place on this list.

NetTalk ([Back To Listing]

I use NetTalk all the time. These days it’s usually the Web Server in conjunction with Emailing and some other facets. But whether you want to build a standalone Web Server with Browse/Form (and a lot more) Template functionality hitting your DB directly .. or whether you are looking to write and E-Mail client, NetTalk is the Template for you.

Particularly, the Web Server is just awesome. You don’t need to worry about IIS. You don’t need to worry about Apache. All you need (this should be a song) is NetTalk.

PDF-Tools ([Back To Listing]

Reporting to PDF is vital in our world today. Face it, without PDFs you cannot expect to compete.

PDF-Tools is a complete package. You plug in the Template and compile. The more you delve into the options (which work by default just fine), the more you understand the power PDF-Tools gives you.

Setup Builder ([Back To Listing]

Putting together an Installation can be tedious and frustrating. Setup Builder is none of those two, and all of awesome.

Learning the ropes on a new product can be daunting, but take the time with Setup Builder and you will be rewarded in full. Once the fog has lifted (I had a few days of heavy fog, the old brain couldn’t work it out right away) you will be hit with just how much control Setup Builder gives in the creation of Installation (and Upgrade, and more) files.

More than just being a great product, the support that Friedrich brings to the product is first-class. Absolutely.

Dr. Explain ([Back To Listing]

A couple of years back, I saw a post on the newsgroups about a piece of Help Authoring software. The word "free" and "blog" jumped at me with feverish excitement, so I downloaded Dr. Explain, wrote a review, and received my copy.

The latest version of Dr. Explain has kicked it up ten notches to take on the big fellows. Basically, you can write your Help files with wild abandon now, not only having something which outputs like Help & Manual, but pulls in SnagIt-like functionality for good measure.

Seriously, this is what Help Authoring software should be. And is with Dr. Explain.

Notepad++ ([Back To Listing]

A Text Editor is a powerful development tool. You should not get by without one.

Notepad++ trumps the previous place-holder here, Ultraedit, for me. It’s Lightweight. It does what I needed Ultraedit to do. It’s free. And, it’s light. Weight.

The Text Editor is like the proton energy pill. Or something.


"Documents and SettingsApplication DataNotepad++userDefineLang.xml""Program FilesNotepad++pluginsAPIs*.api"

Honorable Mention Tools (One’s I Don’t Use But Probably Should)

Clarion Handy Tools ([Back To Listing]

I didn’t know much about CHT until I started really getting into NetTalk. Now whenever I’m gushing about NetTalk, one of the little men in the back room of my brain is thinking about CHT and humming away to ACDC: "C. H. T. .. It’s Dynamite!"

This is one particular product that I really want to, and will, try out in the near future. If you ask around, on the newsgroups or Skype or elsewhere, CHT will be on the praise list.

What does it give you? From what I can tell .. Everything. And that’s just fine.

Clarion Connection ([Back To Listing]

Tom’s site is fantastic. It’s two lists. One being the recent "Clarion Stuff", the other being ALL the "Clarion Stuff". If you like your information methodical and vertical, hit up Clarion Connection.

I need to visit here more often.

What Can Clarion Do For Me?

If you haven’t already, read What Is Clarion? for information regarding Clarion.

What Can Clarion Do For You?

Clarion can make you money faster than any other development tool on the planet.

It’s true.

"Flay that man alive!" I hear the baying of the IT crowd. You cannot make statements like that. So absolute. So arrogant.

It’s true.

Now I will explain myself ..

1. Clarion Is The Best There Is At ..

.. It’s unparalleled in the cooperation of database (stored information) and interface (represented and translated information).

Software Development is all about solving problems. Most of the time we call them Business Problems. We (the software developer) solve Business Problems.

How do we solve Business Problems?

We represent and translate information. Information. That’s it.

Why Clarion is better than anything else is simple. It’s unparalleled in the cooperation of database (stored information) and interface (represented and translated information).

Let’s simplify that.

DATABASE (Information)


INTERFACE (Representation and Translation of Information)

Despite it’s own IDE, despite a few strange flaws, Clarion is the best there is at this. It’s so easy to wield the power of fully functional database access and manipulation within template generated or hand coded interfaces.

2. Clarion Has An Amazing 3rd Party Community

Let’s face it, there are a number of 3rd Party Template products that without which, I could not bring such fervor to the table.

How important is the 3rd Party Community?

.. You ship your product and live "file upgrade" free

You have a product like File Manager 3. Without it, you have to write your own file upgrade functionality. Any database change requires your own code. With FM3, you never have to worry. A single increment of a number setting. That’s all. All the database changes are taken care of. You ship your product and live "file upgrade" free.

.. No IIS. No Apache. Just your self-contained Web Server exe.

You have a product such as NetTalk (particularly, but not limited to, it’s WebServer) which allows unprecedented access to all kinds of network communications. You can ship an entire web server, complete with browse/form paradigm web functionality, interacting directly with your database, in a single install. No IIS. No Apache. Just your self-contained Web Server exe.

These are just two examples of many. Read Must Have Clarion Development Tools for a few more, or check out Clarion Shop for a huge range.

3. One Developer Is All You Need

.. If you are a C, C++, .Net or Javascript programmer, PHP, ASP or Cobol guru .. I will out produce you given the same business problem, in a shorter amount of time.

With Clarion, less is more. You do not need 10 .Net programmers, 20 Web Scripting Gurus. I can guarantee a better product in far shorter time than the other big languages. Give me a week and I’ll give you back a Desktop and Web single System which contains PDF printing (in both Desktop and Web), Graphing (in both Desktop and Web), and numerous other beneficial pieces of functionality.

There’s a challenge there. If you are a C, C++, .Net or Javascript programmer, PHP, ASP or Cobol guru .. I will out produce you given the same business problem, in a shorter amount of time.

This is not to boast. This is to convince you that for solving business problems, for the wielding of databases (Information) and interfaces (Representation and Translation of Information) Clarion is the best there is.

For more information, please read Stu’s Greatest Hits (Tools)

Using Aptana and Ext with Nettalk Web Server

There’s some good discussion centering on web development going on at NetTalk Central.

One of the threads has some folk talking about using the Aptana IDE with Ext 2.0 (Javascript Library), inside the NetTalk WebServer.

Further, if you install Spket you can get proper code completion for Ext within the Aptana interface.

Javascript libraries (Ext, YUI, Scriptaculous, Prototype, and more here) are all the rage, and have been for more than a year now. They provide desktop-ish functionality within the boundaries of the web. That’s a fantastic thing.

But what people forget is that the web is _not_ the desktop. There will always be things the web cannot do that the desktop can. There will always be things the desktop can’t do that the web can. At least until Google takes over and Borgs all desktops and the web, assimilating into one gigantic organism.

I like the differences. And I like that you can meld the two together, playing off both sets of strengths.

NetTalk WebServer gives us the ability to weave desktop functionality into the web. You can’t do everything. You cannot make a desktop program with the desktop paradigm of browse and form windows.

wait! "What’s this?" you say. NetTalk WebServer can so create Browses and Update Forms.

. It can. But it’s still the web. The Browse window is not "open" while the Form Update window is "open". The web has single direction. We have Session Vars to compensate, and the almighty "Back" button .. but none of these will ever make it exactly the same.

And that is good. We should embrace this as we develop in NTWS.

You can only go onward and upwards, never backwards

Just Finished My First Can Of DC And It’s Only 8am

Crazy talking. I tell you, sleep is fast becoming my most favourite past-time. There are other things cool, like my recently re-fired Wow-crack-tastic love .. but sleep can provide something those things cannot. A recharge.

Sure, the diet coke coursing through my veins has some good points. It will rot my teeth, my stomach and probably give me some form of cancer.

Wait. Were those the good points?

It has been getting more crazy than usual lately. Last night I switched between working on the big project (a Web System, built with NetTalk, naturally), working through some conversations re the Clarion Tech Evangelist, working on the Podcast (for the new Clarion site, the format of the cast, and some recording), and doing some header image design for my company website.

Plus it was my eldest’s birthday. He was so excited all day, turning 7. Got some cool gear, and we had a fair amount of party food (although wasn’t a big party, just us and one set of g-parents). Little guy knows more about Star Wars now than me (from the Lego game on the Wii).

Bye for now.