Clarion 7 Video #1–A Simple Beginning

This video is codenamed: “Jay Garrick”

Welcome to a new series on Clarion Folk. We’re taking very small glimpses at Clarion 7.

To begin, we have the simplest of tasks. Create an App, compile and run it.


Stay tuned, tomorrow we open up the embedditor and do some coding.

Four Days Of Video

Next week I’ll be firing off a new segment, taking a very quick and simple look at Clarion 7.

Even after the short time I’ve been using Clarion 7, I’m excited. Already, going back to Clarion 6 and not having the alignment “blue bars” has me pining.

That is, to me, a great sign. That in such little time, the enhancements can become ingrained into my work habits.

Kudos to SV!

Clarion Folklore Podcast #3 Is Live!

"You get to see your code in the context of the code around it. That’s not something that many systems offer you."

– Bruce Johnson



Ken Wragg

Bruce Johnson

Stu Andrews

Some Of The Things We Talk About:

  • Clarion 7
  • Conversion from Clarion 7 to Clarion .Net
  • The Entry Level Barrier to Programming is low. Yet Programming is much harder.

Day #7 – The Day We Went Back To School

800px-bellevue-hill-scots-college-1 Do you remember what art class was like, back in primary school? Back at the beginning of primary school?

We were privileged yesterday to be a part of our second’s art class. It was pretty cool, watching the kids interact with each other, year 6 kids (the oldest in the school, they have a "helper" system there), and the teacher.

I poured paint into ice-cream buckets, washed my hands half a dozen times, carried paintings to drying racks, and tried to stop our youngest from getting covered in said paint.

250px-bioshock-rapture Other notable events included my discovery that everything in Rapture was not as I thought. Andrew Ryan was not the big bad guy. Love the story-telling that has happened in this game. It’s very cool.

Now that we’re at the tail-end of holidays, the impending return to work seems more, less-distant (how bout that gramma for you). I’ve had a fantastic week off, and am very grateful for that.

Have had an idea. To keep me writing once a day on the blog, I’m going to continue the "Day #x – Title" thing we’ve got going on here. When I miss a day, the count resets back to zero. I’ll start over again to distinguish between the holiday meme and the blog-day meme, or whatever it should be called.

Fare thee well, and happy weekend-ing for everyone!

Day #6, Too Much Pressure

[ Spoiler Alert for Bones and Heroes, kind of, although if you watch them you would know about this ]

Wow, just watched the season 3 finale for Bones and an episode of Heroes season 3.

Zach was the apprentice. Crazy. How did it happen? I mean, what did the guy use to appeal to Zach, to bring him onto that path. Am hoping season 4 (which is a fair way along in the States, maybe finished) will give us some more info on that.

And then, Heroes was mind-blowing, as per the last few episodes. Peter’s Dad has arrived, and just took/stole/leeched? Peter’s powers. Very cool.

So today was another great day. We recorded the voices for episode 3 of The Plastic Detectives. Now I’ve got the pieces, just have to put them together.

Am getting caught back up into Eldest again.

That’s about it for the moment.