Well, doesn’t that just cut the mustard.
I decided to give the fancy editor a go, having preferred the plain vanilla one. This post was initially about a problem detailed below .. the post was finished, and when I pressed "Publish", I got a message saying that if I went away from this page, I would lose everything.
"Lose Everything?" Of course I’m not going to lose everything. I press this button EVERY TIME, and it does the magic. So I’m going to bull-rush down the path I always tread, because I refuse to believe it’s changed.
I lost everything. Except the title.
Anyway, for a while now, Dev Dawn has had problems getting the Archive page (through the K2 theme), with or without the wonderful ELA plugin.
I tried everything I could think of, which turns out wasn’t a great deal. I chopped and changed plugins, themes, etc etc. Nothing worked. I even removed option records out the mysql database.
Of course, my brain missed the most obvious thing. Forums are a wonderful tool. Especially when it took me a single word "Archive" search to this post, which gave me the answer.
The Permalinks needed to be rebuilt.
Problem solved.
So let that me a lesson to me. It’s not always beneficial to spend more than 5 minutes trying to figure out a problem myself. If it gets past that stage, then I should definately be looking for outside help.