ForewordProjman is a Project Management System, that allows you to access your Todo’s from anywhere you can access the web.
Projman 0.3.0 Install
PurposeProjman began as a simple test of the NetTalk Web Services, newly released in early 2006.
We had been talking about the need for a simple system to collate Todo’s. Now, I’ve got a Todo System written out of neccessity, but it’s just desktop. The beauty of this baby is that it’s built like a steak house, but she handles like a bistro. … Ahem. I mean, Projman (he/she) is designed to be run off the web. You can run the system purely on the desktop, but to experience it’s full capabilities, you’re gonna want to host it, on the network, or on the wild & wooly web.
So basically, you create Projects. Each Project has Todo’s. These Todo’s have a percentage complete, which in turn updates the percentage complete of the Project. You can then check on what Todo’s are left for a Project, what percentage a Project is complete, or even how many Todo’s have been started but not finished, and the dates in between.
Monday, 31st July 2006
- HelpDesk System added (Documentation still incomplete)
- UI Enhancments
- Data Folder now created on startup, if it doesn’t exist already
- Uninstaller shortcut should now show in the Program Group
- Release Version turned on in Project Settings (Clarion)
- Options window added
- Server Port Number added to Options, User can now choose which Port Number the Web Server will listen on (Defaults to 80)
- ProjectUsers relationships adjusted to allow for deletion of records
Thursday, 27th July 2006
- Installation File enhancements
- Installed and Ran Projman on a pc without a Clarion6 directory, no DLL issues
Wednesday, 26th July 2006
- Data Directory is now created on installation
Monday, 24th July 2006
- Reached Beta stage, after the latest release of NetTalk4.
- Tasks can now be added, changed, and deleted from their parent Projects from within the web browser.
- Changing the Complete Percentage field in a Task will recalculate the Project’s Total Percentage Complete.
- Other minor code updates.
Unfinished Obvious Todos
- Allow for the Sub-Tasks to appear in the Browser interface
- Grant User control over Port Number (set to 88 at the moment)
- Documentation for the System
- Weighting for the Tasks
Friday, 8th April 2006
Very basic functionality.
Via the web interface you can only add one layer of Tasks (and assign them to an already exsiting Project). You can modify their percentage complete.
The desktop interface has more functionality. Here you add Users, Projects, and Tasks. Sub-Tasks apparently do not work (I haven’t confirmed this yet, heh).
There may be an issue with the Install. It could be that I’ve missed a dll that is inherent to clarion. It’s harder to test for, because no "errors" come up telling you what dll is missing.