Dev Dawn has had a massive visual overhaul.
Big shouts out to the following:
Paul Stamatiou really opened my eyes to just what can be done in the world of the interweb, blogs, and ‘net stuff. Plus, it’s his mod on the K2 theme that i’m using. Deviance.
The K2 Theme rocks. Simple. It’s very cool. Thankyou to the Binary Bonsai boys.
Lastly, I’m using a few new plugins. They are:
Brian’s Latest CommentsFeedburner PluginGravatarWP-ContactForm Ha ha, this was already plugged in. Silly me.
Thankyou very much. Everyone.
Especially WordPress. Without it, I’d still be beating my head against a wall trying to get Joomla to act like a simple blog. Heh.
‘Nuff Said.